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Deep Frying a Turkey

By admin Published November 24, 2015


Are you deep frying a turkey this Thanksgiving? Yum …. But, before you set up your turkey fryer, remember these safety tips.

  1. Stay Away from The House – Set up the turkey fryer more than 10 feet away from your home and keep children and pets away. Never leave it unattended.
  2. Find Flat Ground – The oil must be even and steady at all times to ensure safety. Place the fryer on a flat, level surface and carefully gauge the amount of oil needed.
  3. Use a Thawed and Dry Turkey – Make sure your Thanksgiving turkey is completely thawed and dry. Extra water will cause the oil to bubble furiously and spill over. If oil spills from the fryer onto the burner, it can cause a fire.
  4. Monitor the Temp – Use caution when touching the turkey fryer. The lid and handle can become very hot and could cause burns. Also be sure to keep track of the oil’s temperature as many fryers do not have their own thermostats.
  5. Be Prepared – Have a fire extinguisher ready at all times in the event that the oil ignites.Five dangers of deep frying a turkey:
    – Turkey fryers can easily tip over, spilling hot cooking oil over a large area.
    – An overfilled cooking pot will cause cooking oil to spill when the turkey is put in, and a partially frozen turkey will cause cooking oil to splatter when put in the pot.
     – Even a small amount of cooking oil spilling on a hot burner can cause a large fire.
     – Without thermostat controls, deep fryers can overheat oil to the point of starting a fire.
    – The sides of the cooking pot, lid and pot handles can get dangerously hot.Be Safe with your turkey fryer so you can enjoy your creation!