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Back-to-School Safety

By admin Published August 11, 2021

Group of kids with backpacks walking outside.


With the end of summer drawing near and classes starting back up at our local schools, we thought it would be a great time to talk about back-to-school safety measures. It’s a great time of year to remember to take a minute, slow down through town, and pay attention to your surroundings.

Transportation, Pedestrian Safety, + Crosswalks

Whether your child walks, bikes, or drives to and from school, it’s important to make sure they are comfortable and understand all safety rules. We recommend taking some practice trips with them to show them the route, talk about how to safely cross the street, and what to do if they get lost. Here are a few tips we recommend to help keep you and your children safe:



      Driving Your Kids

        Teen Drivers

        Did you know that car crashes are among the number one cause of death for teens?

          School Bus Rules + Safety 

          If your child rides the bus to school each day, we recommend taking them to the bus stop the first day, or days leading up to school, so they can get familiar with the route and where to stand.

            School Zones + Speed Limits

            Be mindful of the speed limits in your neighborhoods and where the school zones are. Most school zone speed limits are around 20 mph and there will be a flashing sign signaling for you to slow down. Staying alert while driving in these areas could help you avoid seriously injuring a child or getting a speeding ticket. We can’t encourage you enough to put your phone down and pay attention to your surroundings while driving. 

            School Safety


            Comfortable backpacks that fit your child well and provides the best support for the weight of the books and supplies they have to carry should be top of mind when back-to-school shopping.


              Teach your children proper etiquette for the playground:   

                We hope you found these tips to be helpful or were reminded of things you had previously forgotten. Best of luck as the beginning of the school year starts and as always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to your friends at the Carbondale Fire District.