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Carbondale Fire Announces Master Plan Study Consultants

By admin Published January 30, 2015


Carbondale, CO

The Board of Directors of the Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District is pleased to announce the selection of Almont Associates of Port Orange, FL and Mark Chain Consulting, LLC, working with Leslie Lamont of Lamont Planning Services of Carbondale, CO as co-consultants for the development of the District’s Master Plan Study. The District expects to have final contracts in place with both firms for final approval by the Board of Directors by the end of February.

Almont Associates bid of $33,960 generally includes an analysis of the fire districts current operations including comparisons with the Commission on Fire Accreditation International standards and National Fire Protection Association codes and standards. Almont Associates will provide recommendations on future services and the organizational structure of the District.

Mark Chain Consulting LLC’s bid of $53,025 includes leading the public involvement process, which entails community surveys, community outreach, and website and communication services, along with the financial feasibility process portion of the Master Plan. Mark Chain Consulting and Lamont Planning Services together bring a total of 60 years of experience in local government and planning services to this project. Mark Chain Consulting and Lamont Planning Services will provide recommendations on a sustainable community outreach and engagement plan, including utilization of social media.

The combined proposal figure is $86,985, within the Fire District’s budgeted amount of $90,000.

The Board of Directors will appoint a Master Plan Committee to work with the consultants and staff during the Master Plan process.

Fire Chief Ron Leach said, “I am very excited about the selections, especially the additions of Mark Chain and Leslie Lamont to our team. I love the idea of keeping taxpayer money in the local community.”

For further info please contact President of the Board of Directors Gene Schilling at