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Carbondale Fire Crew To Help with Oregon Wildfire

By admin Published August 13, 2015


Carbondale, CO – Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District has sent a brush truck and crew to assist at the Bendire Complex Fire near Vale, Oregon.

On August 11, 2015, the United States Forest Services Dispatch requested assistance from Colorado crews, including one from Carbondale Fire, to respond to fires on in the Northwest of the United States. There are numerous wildfires burning in the Northern California/Oregon area. Due to the current low wildfire danger, the District was able to send a crew and brush truck to help.

There are many benefits to the District for sending the crews to wildfires in other areas. The crews have an opportunity to experience large wildfires, which do not happen in this area often and the District is able increase its revenues with payments from wildfire assignments. It is common in the fire service to help other agencies in need. As an example, during the 2013 Red Canyon Fire and the County Road 100 Fire, many fire departments sent their resources to help the Carbondale Fire District.

The Bendire Complex Fire near Vale, Oregon is currently estimated 8,000 acres and is 10% contained.  A National Type 1 Incident Management Team is enroute to manage the fire. For more information on the Bendire Complex Fire, go to

Jenny Cutright, Public Information Officer